Spring is Here!

Hi Troy,

Spring is here. And along with it comes the infamous spring cleaning. What a great feeling, though!! You know how awesome it feels when you’ve successfully cleaned off your desk, cleared out your inbox, or handled something you’ve just been putting off day after day.
Spring is the perfect time to do some of that “Spring Cleaning” for your business.

Do you find yourself constantly dealing with needy clients who make your life difficult?  Do you have staff that causes more problems than they solve?  How's that working out for you?  My guess is – IF YOU COULD CHANGE THAT YOU WOULD. 

All of these things are called TOLERATIONS and are very common for entrepreneurs, professionals and small business owners.  We all have things we are tolerating – those little or big things which we put up with or just keep dragging around.  Tolerations act like the barnacles on a ship – they slow us down, cause drag and leave us feeling exhausted at the end of the day. 


Working to remove these tolerations in business is something all professionals struggle with.  You are not alone. 

Remember our January newsletter in which we spoke about setting up that ONE THING that would be your BIG WIN SUCCESS of the year?  In order to achieve that success, we need to act more swiftly and diligently.  However, the more we tolerate, the more unfinished, incomplete business we carry around - those are the barnacles that slow our progress.

Studies show we tolerate between 500 and 5,000 of these things every day:  The unfiled papers on your desk which cause you to be late because you can’t find the one you need, That PITA client who stresses you out every time you see their name in your inbox, or That employee who consistently shows up 5 minutes late. 

What is the impact these TOLERATIONS have on your success?


"Whatever you are willing to put up with is exactly what you'll get.  Nothing more."

The more things we put up with which affect us negatively, the more we will continue to put up with...and then more, and more.  Don't become the one everyone takes advantage of - because they know they can.  The trick is to actually LOWER THE BAR.  Be willing to actually tolerate less.  Making a leap to the next level of success requires that you actually tolerate less to achieve more.  

**Help us help you.  We have solutions.  We want you to share your toughest TOLERATIONS with us.  Read ahead to this month's Coach's Challenge for some immediate help.  And then e-mail us at info@evocexcellence.com with your personal stories.**

Clean up for Spring!  Get rid of those TOLERATIONS so you can start moving faster and get the results you want with a lot less effort.

Move fast.  Achieve More

Want a few more tips?  Here's a quick read article you may find insightful...

5 Tolerations Hindering Your Leadership


Unfinished business…it drags us down like the barnacles on a ship. We simply cannot move with the speed and productivity that we want when there is a lot of clutter from unfinished and unresolved issues clogging up our gears.

Now is the time to invest a little bit of energy to clear up the clutter and finish some of the stuff that has been lingering or sitting incomplete. This process is always uplifting to energy as well as future productivity.

I know, sometimes this type of effort takes you out of your normal routine and it’s hard to divert your attention from the real urgent matters of business. Some of this work is hard because you don’t have a great solution just yet, or cumbersome because the process isn’t fully efficient. Yet there’s some stuff that is just little odds and ends that are simple to do, but also simple not to do…and so they’re just piling up and causing clutter.

Your challenge for this month is to do some spring cleaning…aka eliminate some TOLERATIONS:

1. Take inventory

Make a list of all of the things in your business and personal life that are unfinished, incomplete, or that you’re just dragging around because you haven’t solved it yet. One page, one list, just dump it all out on paper. I know, it can be a little scary to actually write down all the stuff that you’re not super satisfied with…but do it. This step, all by itself many people find very cathartic.

2. Pick 3

Pick three items on the list and handle them. Finish them. Complete them. I suggest picking the three easiest ones first.

3. Repeat

Once those are done…Pick another 3. Just keep crossing them off of your list for the entire month of April. One month with some extra focus on clearing the clutter and you’re life is going to be so dialed in you will just breeze through each day.

Here’s what you’ll notice as a result of your success with this challenge.

  • You’ll feel lighter. Even doing something as relatively simple as cleaning off your desk will bring energy to you every day. Instead of walking into your office and thinking “Crap, I really need to clean this” which instantly drains a portion of your awesome and positive energy for the day, you’ll feel relieved and proud. This adds to your awesome and positive energy for the day.


  • You’ll have more energy at the end of the day. When things are incomplete we have to manage them. We have to manage around them, manage for them, or manage against them. This takes extra energy. When they’re handled and no longer needing to be managed…we have more energy available.


  • You’ll get more stuff done faster. Just like I said above, when a toleration has been handled, it doesn’t require energy to manage it…this leaves a lot more energy to get other stuff done without hindrances.

Take the challenge…eliminate some tolerations and feel better, have more energy, and get more stuff done faster!!!

~Coach Troy

Hi - It's Jill here!  

For this month's "Give Back Corner" I'm thinking about the time of year - April is a planting time in many communities and April 22 is Earth Day.  There are community gardens where you can have your own plot.  Or you can help others with theirs (& meet people in the process).  And there are gardens which help supply Food Pantries which I'm sure always need help.  If you have a green thumb, or just want to get out in the fresh air, please look up one of these in your area and find out how to volunteer.  They're "Sprouting up" everywhere.  ;  )

Also, Memorial Day is right around the corner - many of our country's cemeteries need volunteers to keep them clean, place flags on veterans' graves, etc.  Here is a website which can help direct you to those places who need you:

volunteer national memorial cemetery Arizona 


Please check in on our Facebook page for continuing videos which are fun and informative!  Tell your friends!  Follow us!

As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163

    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | www.evocexcellence.com | (602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC