
“It’s not my job.”  “I wasn’t told to do that.”  “The direction wasn’t clear enough.”

Hi Troy,

Accountability in business may be one of the biggest stumbling blocks to success.  There are numerous ways a lack of accountability can affect your organization:  

  • There are the finger pointers – each assuming the other is to blame. 
  • There are unclear desired results. 
  • There are the slackers (bad apples). 
  • And there is poor role modeling in leadership.




It has been found that the more influence a person feels they have, the more accountable they will be.  A basic tenet in life and business is that everyone wants to be heard, everyone wants to have a voice.  If you give someone more power and control, more ownership will be taken and therefore more accountability.

Of course you need to set a clear course for results first.  What are the expected outcomes?  What are the consequences for falling short?  If someone does fall short, understanding all the reasons why this may happen is key.  A dictatorial “I just want the results and I want them now” doesn’t work.  Circumstances change.  Unexpected delays arise.  The more understanding of these instances you are, the more honest the person will be with you and the more open communication will lead to resolutions to get back on course (see above – give people a voice).

Now if someone is just slacking, and never seems to want to be accountable, they may be a bad apple.  And you know what to do with those.

Maybe most importantly, people need good role modeling in accountability.  How do you expect your employees to be accountable if you aren’t?  An Accountability Coach can be a great tool for the job.  A peer or business coach can help you create the steps for accountability on a project or goal.  They can give you honest feedback and support to keep you on track.  Consistency is key.  Decide when you’ll meet or talk on a regular basis and honestly share the things you’ve accomplished since last time, what the current situation is (good and bad) and what the plan is going forward.

If you surround yourself with those who hold you accountable, the more accountable you will be, and success will follow.



Want to improve your results? Raise your accountability level. Very simple. It works like magic. Don’t believe me? Take a look at an area of your life or your business that you are not particularly thrilled with. Maybe it’s your health or your weight. Maybe it’s your cash flow. Maybe you wish the people on your team were more productive.

Now, take a look at your effort around those areas. I bet you’ll see that there’s some room for improvement on your end.

Aaannddd…take a look at the accountability structures you have in place around those areas. I bet you’ll see the accountability structures are either missing completely or failing you.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. One of the most effective tools that I have as a coach with my clients is the simplest thing there is…I set up regular meetings with them. That’s it. Regular meetings where they have to report on their progress. I don’t even really have to do anything…just listen.

That simple accountability structure right there has been a game changer for many of my clients. Just the fact that they report in, share progress, and BE ACCOUNTABLE.

You know what is kind of interesting? The people I’ve coached who make a big deal about that tend to be the ones who create the biggest and FASTEST gains. Those who downplay that or devalue that structure often linger on the same issue week after week after week.

So, here’s your challenge for the month…create a simple accountability structure around the 1 thing that you want to improve in your business.

And then, send me a note and share it with me…you know, for accountability. 

~Coach Troy


Want a few more tips?  Here's a quick read article you may find insightful...

How Accountability Can Change Everything


Hi - It's Jill here!  

For this month's "Give Back Corner" I've picked two different causes.  The first is:

Clear The Shelters 

Every August 18th is Clear The Shelters Day and many shelters waive or discount fees as part of this one day adoption drive.  If you haven't rescued before, you'll come to understand the saying, "Who rescued whom?". 

Our pets really take care of US.  That got me thinking about another group that needs to be taken care of - Caregivers.  Tylenol has created:

How We Care

You can purchase a "Care Card" which will give a caregiver in your life an Uber ride or cleaning and handyman services.  This helps those that give the most with a little boost.


As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163

    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | | (602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC