Hi Troy,

How do you connect with people and get to know them?  Do you really connect with your clients? Do you find it difficult to connect with some of the people on your team? 

The irony is that making real connections these days seems harder even though there are a million more channels by which to do so.  You might also be an introvert who finds it difficult to go very deep in relationships.  But making connections is essential in business (and life).  So let’s go back to basics.

Smile.  Make eye contact.  Really listen.  Ask questions.  Use their name.  Personalize the communication.

If a client doesn’t feel they’ve really gotten to know you, they may easily jump to someone at a competing company with whom they have a genuine rapport.  Remember details about them, their business and their personal life.  Did they mention concerns about working on advertising or marketing?  Ask them how it’s going.  Offer advice if appropriate.  Did they mention a vacation?  Ask them how it went – get details and engage.  If someone is being open with information about themselves, you should also be open about yourself.  It’s a tennis match.  Don’t drop the ball when it’s in your court.

Do you feel you haven’t gotten to know an employee whose desk you walk by every day?  Apply the same approach.  Ask about their sick relative.  Inquire about their new home search.  Offer advice, input, and real responses.  And remember to share about yourself.  Don’t separate yourself in a corner of “I’m the boss”.  Like clients, those staff who feel a real connection to you will become more loyal.

When we were on the playground as kids, it seemed easy for most of us to walk up to another kid and just start playing.  Then you realized you both liked Star Wars.  You got each other’s names.  You exchanged information about yourselves and then asked Mom to go to the other’s house to spend more time.  You learned about each other’s likes, dislikes, and personalities.  You got to know them.  And some of those friendships became life-long ones.


As we get older, this easy interaction sometimes becomes more difficult.  We put up walls.  We’re not that outgoing.  But like anything, connecting is a muscle which needs to be exercised.  Practice at a store you go to regularly. 


Make eye contact. 

Use their name. 

Ask questions. 

Remember details. 

Or just give a stranger a friendly greeting and word or two.  You’ll be surprised at how good connecting with people feels.

Yes, we also have that interweb with e-mail and social media at our disposal.  Send a friendly note or card of congratulations.  Look in that great technological cloud in the sky for a small gift for an event or success.  Thank someone for the information you gleaned from their business post (or newsletter!).  A few key strokes and clicks can help you stay connected - use those resources as well.

They key to all of this is to pay attention and be genuine.  A kid can spot a fake a mile away.  So can adults.


Connecting with others...two main benefits I want to address here as we set up your challenge for December. First off, if you have a team and you want to increase the productivity of any one of your team members a really important step to do that is to determine what motivates them, so you can then give it to them. Second, if you are in business growth mode and would like to generate more leads and opportunities a really important step to do that is to determine what your clients want, so you can then give it to them.

I’m sure you noticed the theme here. Two of the primary desires for business owners and entrepreneurs is to increase productivity and increase cash flow. In order to for either to happen getting to know your team members and your potential clients is a really important step. This process involves connecting with people and gaining valuable information that you can then use to provide what it is they want.

December is the perfect time to connect with people. It’s a time of giving as well as a time of reflecting. It’s also a very social time with lots of opportunities to connect with people throughout all of the many holiday events.

My challenge to you for this month is to go just a little deeper with the people you are connecting with and get past the casual and common conversations. Get into their experience a little more and see how that starts to enhance your connections with them. Here’re a couple of examples of questions from casual to a little deeper:

  • How are you? (Casual)
  • What have you been up to? (Casual)
  • What’s new? (Casual)
  • How was your day/week? (Casual)


  • What are you looking forward to in the New Year? (Deeper)
  • What was your biggest win this last year? (Deeper)
  • What did you accomplish this week/month/year that you’re excited about? (Deeper)
  • What would you like to do this next year that you’ve never done before? (Deeper)


Another one of my favorite ways to connect with people a little deeper is to use the acronym FORD. Ask them about their Family, Occupation, Recreation, and/or Dreams.

So, as you set out to enjoy the festive holiday season, think about connecting with people just a little deeper. See what you learn from your interactions and maybe somewhere down the road you might find a way to help some of those people make some of their desires and dreams come true.

~Coach Troy


Want a few more tips?  Here's a quick read article you may find insightful...

7 Pillars of Connecting


Hi - It's Jill here!  

I hope this newsletter finds you well and excited for the holidays, or at least prepared!

Since we continue to experience many natural disasters throughout our country and since they also do so much this time of the year and always, for this month's "Give Back Corner" I'd like to again recommend donating to the Red Cross.

Red Cross  

They also always need blood, and if you make an appointment online from now through 12/19, you'll get an Amazon gift card!

Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!

As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163

    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | | (602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC