Hi Troy,

Hey!  How’s your plan for winning going?  If you were inspired by our newsletter last month, perhaps logging your “Win of the Day” (WOTD) has become a habit or you have made some adjustments to improve your winning trajectory.  Did you make a New Year’s Resolution that supports your strategy for winning?  Did you already forget what that resolution was?

The statistics on New Year’s Resolution success are pretty dismal.  Something like 8% achieve what they set out to do.  By the end of the first month (NOW!), only a little over half are still maintaining their resolutions.  So why do we keep making them?  It’s the promise of a fresh start at the beginning of each year.  New Year Baby comes in ready to learn new, better habits.  Habits…we all have them.  Usually the reference is to BAD habits.  But habits can be good too.

Here’s an idea – do an audit on your habits.  Make a good and bad column and write down which habits fit into which category.  Always late?  Bad habit.  Junk snacking in the afternoon?  Bad habit.  Can’t put the devices down…ever?  Bad habit.  Remembering to stay in touch with dear friends and holding up your side of the friendship?  Good habit.  Getting out to exercise pretty regularly?  Good habit.

Once you review your list of habits, you’ll probably have a longer “bad” side than “good”.  So now what?  Just shrug, say “Oh well, that’s the way it’s always been”, and move on?  Or do something about it?!  We would like to help you do something about it.  And you CAN.  You can turn those bad habits into good ones and instead of thinking of them as habits, you can make them a routine, which becomes just a normal part of life.  But HOW?  By creating KEYSTONE HABITS, or HABITS FOR SUCCESS.  These are the beginning seeds of a habit which create the domino effect for everything else.

So, if you are always late, break down the WHY.  Are you always trying to do too many things right before an appointment?  Try doing some preparation the night or day before so that it’s done when you need it to be.  Get in the habit of setting your alarms or reminders 15 minutes earlier to “fool” yourself and to account for that extra traffic.  Stop overbooking yourself.  Delegate more responsibilities to others.  There are a number of very small things you can choose to do to create a good habit out of the bad one.  When you find the one (or ones) that work for you and do it regularly, it becomes that Keystone Habit.  No more lateness!  Your clients and friends will appreciate that you care about their time as much as they do yours, and successes will follow!

Take a look at our Coach’s Challenge below to see what specific steps you can take to make this a reality!  Good luck!

“Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.” – Benjamin Franklin


Want a few more tips?  Here's a quick read article you may find insightful...

Best Habits in Business


Did you know that your level of success is a habit? Your income level is a habit? The productivity of the people around you is…wait for it…yep you got it…a HABIT. WHAAT? How does that work?

Our life is run by habits and patterns of behavior. It’s part of the natural process of being human. (Trust me, you really want it to be this way…it would be waaay to difficult to do anything if we did not operate in patterns of behavior.)

The way in which you operate daily is a compilation of all of the habits you have successfully built into your life. This includes how your business operates and how people operate around you. Being able to take your business to the next level requires a new level of habit and behavior.

Your challenge for this month is to start building a brand new habit of excellence…the habit of Positive Forward Moving Statements.

 I want you to think about how you think about your business. (Go ahead and re-read that last sentence again )

  1. I want you to look for an area in your business where you are challenged and struggling the most.
  2. When you think about creating a solution to that challenge what thoughts cross your mind? Write those down. It’s really important to write them down.
  3. You should notice those thoughts that you just wrote down are the habits of thought that are actually keeping you from progressing with an effective solution to your challenge. This is the tape that your brain is playing on repeat.

***Quick coaching moment…if you continue to play this tape, you will continue to struggle through this solution. You must change the tape to a more productive thought and stop the recurring habit pattern that is preventing the obvious and clear solution to appear.

  1. For each of the thoughts you wrote down, write down a minimum of three Positive Forward Moving Statements about your situation.

Here’s an example:

Thought: Finding good people is so hard.

Positive Forward Moving Statement:

  • There are a lot of great people out there.
  • If I’m not finding them, I need to improve my process.
  • Finding good people is as effective as my process.
  • I can have what I want if I design an effective process to get it.
  • If I get stuck I have great people around me to help me.
  • I’m smart at utilizing the resources I have to solve the challenges I face.
  • Who could I ask to help me create an effective process?

I hope you see how the Positive Forward Moving Statements change the energy around the challenge. Most of our habits that do not serve us stem from thought processes that stop our positive forward progress. I could go into this a lot deeper but I’ll save that for another conversation. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to talk more about it.

In the meantime, your challenge for this month is to think about how you are thinking about your business and focus on building a brand new Habit of Excellence: The Positive Forward Moving Statement.


Hi - It's Jill here!  

I hope you're enjoying our social media content so far!  Don't forget to comment and interact with us there - we'd love to hear from you!

For this month's "Give Back Corner" I'd like to focus on those in our life who help us all unwind at the end of the day, and they teach us habits too...take me out for a walk...feed me...petting time...yup - animals!!!  They are a part of the family and many are struggling right now from the mudslides and natural disasters.  Why not give a little to the ASPCA, Humane Society, or a local shelter of your choosing??



As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163

    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | www.evocexcellence.com | (602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC