Recruitment and Integration 



Before we get into our newsletter, it is time for EVOC's new adventure!  As many of you know, we've been working to revamp our website into a modern, user friendly, informational, interactive spot.  We want you to drop in, gather information and go conquer the business world.  Please go to our blog page and subscribe.  You'll get a message in your in-box when we have a new post.  Easy peasy.  Comment on our posts, check out our social media, give us feedback - we enjoy helping you, please help us too!


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Hi Troy,


PEOPLE is our topic for the first quarter of 2019.  (Bet you have had some doozies!  Share some stories with us!)  Last month we spoke about Engaging and Motivating your team.  In this issue we’re focusing on recruiting and integrating great people!



By FINDING & ATTRACTING the right people, then successfully on-boarding them, you will either experience your life becomes dramatically easier or immediately start leaking valuable time and energy.

How do you find talent?  A quick job listing on a generic website?  Are you in an industry where the pool of qualified talent is shallow in your area?  Do you want the best talent, but can’t afford them?  What to do?

First of all, widen your net.  Use your network.  We’ve discussed this before – the good people you know probably know good people.  Ask around.  Let your community or networking groups know what you’re looking for and post with them if applicable.  If you can’t find the right people in your area, look to organizations for your industry – “National Association of Companies in my Line of Work” and see if you can get the word out there.  You may find someone looking to relocate from snowy lands to sunny shores or back to the Midwest to be near family.  You won’t know if you don’t put the feelers out there.  You may also want to seek the assistance of a Head Hunter or job placement service.  The point is, look far and wide to cast that net.

Now, you may find someone who DOES want to relocate to your corner of the world, but you aren’t offering enough $$ to make the “catch”.  What other benefits can you offer?  More PTO?  Training and professional growth?  Flex work time?  Their own office?  A good draw for someone might be Monthly/Quarterly/Annual rewards for sales, positive social media comments, new customers brought in, or whatever marker you set.  Maybe your office is the right level of casual and easygoing for someone.  A match in energies is a big factor too.

BTW, don’t forget to do your due diligence too.  You want to offer the best you can, but it is an exchange for services….do education checks, reference checks, background checks, whatever you need to do to make sure this isn’t a Lion in Sheep’s Clothing!!!  Don’t simply hire someone on the word of someone else – “Kate said her friend’s cousin said they were great!”.  In fact, they might have been great for someone else with different requirements than you.  Make sure your needs are being met too.

Once the arduous process of finding “the one” is done, you can sit back and relax, right?  WRONG!  Now is the time to INTEGRATE them.  How soon, and well, your new hire is integrated directly affects how soon, and how well, they will be able to contribute.  You can’t just throw them into the deep end and walk away.  The cost of turnover is just too high, in dollars and disruptions to your existing group.  Stan doesn’t take too kindly to staying late to make up for Charles quitting.  You invest time and money into finding every person, so make sure to take the same amount of energy and direct it toward encouraging them to stay.

Making sure an employee knows they are an important part of the future plans and development of the organization is important.  Recognizing their efforts is important.  Giving them the tools to do what you want them to do is important.  You wouldn’t spend a lot of money on some magic beans, only to neglect watering them, let weeds take over and put in direct sunlight to scorch the baby shoots, would you?  So don’t treat a new hire that way.  They will need some continued guidance for some time.  They should have buddies and mentors to let them know the nitty gritty.  They should be signed up for any courses you want them to take.  You (or an assigned person) should repeatedly check in.  Take the temperature.  Think what you would want at the start of a job.  Care for the tender vine until it climbs the trellis on its own.

Proper investment into recruiting and integrating can save you a ton of headaches down the line.



Finding and keeping good people in your organization - this has been one of the top 3 business challenges that I have seen in all of my 20 years of being a business coach.  And I'm sorry to report that the time period we are in right now is the worst.  The challenge has dramatically jumped up in intensity over the past 18-24 months.
Don’t worry, this isn’t exactly bad news.  What I’m seeing are businesses gaining growth momentum, which means they are expanding.  This occurs when consistent opportunities are available.  That is a good trend.  We also have one of the lowest unemployment rates we've seen in nearly 50 years.  All of this ads up and elevates the challenge of finding and keeping good people.
So, how do we handle this challenge in today's market?  There are three basic focal points to finding and keeping good people in your organization and each of them builds upon the previous:
The first focal point is what I call the Foundational Elements to Finding and Keeping Good People in your Organization.  These are the building blocks.  I am seeing more and more companies put an emphasis on these foundational elements, but not enough.  If you want to build a business that pays your bills, this isn’t completely necessary.  I’d say the vast majority of businesses do not focus on this part of their business and they do OK.  However, if you want growth AND if you actually want to be able to develop a business that provides you the opportunity of time and freedom, then setting up these foundations will help to make that a heck of a lot easier.  Click here to view the Foundational Elements to Finding and Keeping Good People in your Organization.
The second focal point, once you have the Foundational Elements in place, is becoming a Master of Enrollment.  People do not necessarily operate in black or white, in or out, yes or no, binary experiences.  We have varying degrees of how much we are interested in something.  Being a master at enrollment is about being able to gauge the level to which someone is committed to a particular outcome, desire, or result and then being able to appropriately influence, inspire, or enroll them to the next level.  It's a crucial skill that all leaders posses.  The better you are at enrollment the better people you will have and the more productive your team will be.
The third focal point then is Creating an Inspirational Culture.  With your foundational elements in place and a well-trained and strong enrollment skill, then you have what you need to really develop a culture where leaders bloom from within, team members become self-enrolling, problems get solved correctly without your involvement, and the business develops itself like you always imagined it could. 
So, your challenge for this month is simple: Make a decision…Do I keep running the business with a revolving door of staff, tolerating people on my team who suck my energy dry, won’t solve problems, won’t take ownership and have no loyalty, OR do I build a culture where strong leaders are compelled to work and allow me the opportunity of time freedom to build a business of my dreams?
Simple challenge this month. Just a decision. Then of course comes the next step… (To Be Continued)
~Coach Troy


Want a few more tips?  Here's a quick read article you may find insightful...

15 Recruiting Trends you Should Implement in 2019


Hi - It's Jill here!  

I hope you all check out our redesigned website and new blog!

We worked hard on the new design and are excited to give you all the added value we can by sharing useful information to lead you to your biggest successes!  For those of you who shared logos and testimonials, you'll see that we linked to your sites!

Please visit www.evocexcellence.com

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The "Give Back Corner" for this typically cold and desolate (but short!) month is for our military and veterans.  Please consider donating to our Disabled American Veterans or another group you prefer.  You can support, volunteer or advocate!

They fought for our freedoms, and some come home to darkness.  Let's help them out.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163

    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | www.evocexcellence.com | (602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC