"Our deepest fear is not that we are weak. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?"

- Marianne Williamson

Hi Troy,


Delusions of Grandeur – Seeing oneself as great, highly accomplished, more important than others – even magical.


Perfectionism – Striving for flawlessness and setting high performance standards.


You may see yourself as magical and flawless.  This may be something that drives you – ideal goals to attain in yourself and others.  You may think you have a Fear of Failure…but maybe, just maybe, you actually have a Fear of Success


Goal Setting is a great thing.  Tangible results to reach.  But are you working furiously on climbing the ladder of success while actually second guessing yourself, not completing the myriad projects you put on your own plate and spinning your wheels because nothing is ever quite good enough? 


Success brings uncharted territory and if you are a control freak (perfectionist) who thinks you are afraid of failure, you may actually be afraid of that great unknown that comes with success.  You may lose that control from time to time while working things out.  Unexpected events will arise that don’t fit into the constrictive box you’ve built, and then you get stuck, and give up.  You have a lot more pressure on your shoulders.  There are new financial and social responsibilities.  Your impact is greater and so are the expectations placed on you.  It’s a lot.










Then the self-sabotage sets in because all of that success stuff becomes scary.  The excuses pile up just as you are on the verge of a great achievement.

The good news is, this is just negative self-talk and panic.  If you visualize and believe in yourself, you can get over that hump. 

If you break down the big chunks into more manageable bites – milestones – each goal is just a smaller step along the way, and you can handle those.  Keep your eye on the success goalpost – because it will move…be fluid (expand your box) and enjoy the ride and experience along the way.  Success may be a destination, but the route there is the journey worth having.  Sometimes the picture of success will change.  That’s OK.  You may see the true path you should actually be on while going through the process.  Before you know it, you’ll have reached an apex, maybe a different one than you envisioned, but you won’t be afraid of it anymore.



Want a few more tips?  We couldn't choose just one this month - so here are three helpful companion articles...

Fear of Success holding you back more than Fear of Failure

What to do if you have a Fear of Success

I am afraid I am going to Succeed

And a video too!!

The Fear of Success: Dr Marty Hauff



We’re half way through the year. It’s time to do a mid-year review and check your progress toward the BIG WINS you set out to accomplish this year.  I’ve put together a Mid-Year review template to guide you through the process and keep it simple.
You can download your Mid-Year Progress Tracker here
Soooo, your challenge for this month…do your mid-year review.
~Coach Troy


Hi - It's Jill here!  

Happy July!  It's the month of the birthday of our incredible nation.

So for this month's "Give Back Corner" I'd like to focus on those who fought to create this country and those who continue to give us our freedoms and incredible opportunities.

A great non-profit to consider donating to is Fisher House.  They build homes near military and VA hospitals for families of veterans to stay for free.  You can also donate airline miles which are used to fly service members home for rest and recuperation of emergency leave or hotel points for families when a Fisher House is unavailable.  Additionally, there are scholarships for the children of fallen or disabled service members.  There are even more ways to help - check them out at the link above!

This is a well regarded organization that does a lot of good.  

Please remember....society owes a debt to those who serve.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163

    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | www.evocexcellence.com | (602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC