MARCH 2018 NEWSLETTER – The Challenge


Hi Troy,

Comfort Zones.  Wow, they are comfortable, aren’t they?  We all (EVERYONE) get happy in a place of complacency.  It’s easy – routines, habits (see last month’s newsletter on that one!), dare I say – RUTS.  We all end up cruising along in life, doing what we do, and experiencing success until…one day we realize that things need to be shaken up a little.  That nice little path you’ve been on isn’t parlaying the same results it used to.  That means it’s time for a challenge.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary.  Change is hard.  But the growth as a result is worth it.  Where have you stepped out of your comfort zone lately?  Are you in that great unknown right now?  When you pose a new challenge for yourself, you can see things with fresh eyes.  You can garner the strength to try things you haven’t before - and that new path might be better than the one you’re on.  

Many of us have been forced out of our comfort zone at one time or another.  Maybe you lost a job and had to rethink everything, or the economy crashed, or your relationship changed.  The challenge facing you then may have seemed insurmountable, but I’m willing to bet when you emerged on the other side of it, things were actually better.  The universe was forcing you to mix things up and set a new direction on your GPS.  We’d love to hear from you about your experience in being forced into a new challenge and what happened.

Sometimes the people on your team are doing a great job but could also use a new challenge.  Challenging others is a great service to them too.  Ask your team to come up with new innovative ideas for your business and have a pizza break-out session to spitball.  Have fun with it.  Get everyone’s brain cells to do some jumping jacks and you could all come up with a light bulb moment which makes all the difference in your (and their) success.

So this month I challenge you to challenge yourself and others around you to step out of those comfort zones – and spark something new.  After all March IS the month that comes in like a lion, and out like a lamb.  Make that lion roar.


Want to hear about a secret little trick I’ve used for years to help my clients create breakthrough results?

First of all…let’s see if we can agree on a couple of things:

  • Would you agree that change is something that is required in order to grow?
  • Would you agree that change is going to happen whether you want it to or not?

I’m going to assume you answered yes to the above questions and that we are in agreement that change is inevitable. If that is truly the case then what kind of change would you rather face, the kind that happens to you, or the kind that you control?

I’ll make another assumption…I believe you would rather face change that you are in control over, change that you have influence on.

So…if change is inevitable AND you’d rather be in charge of the change, what then is the best way to make that occur?

Initiate the change!!!  Be the one who starts it.

I see the masters of success as the people who are willing and brave enough to initiate that change…lead the change.

The super top secret magic formula I’ve used for over 17 years to help my clients create breakthrough results is to initiate a change. Find the area where a change needs to occur and force the issue. It can be scary. It can be nerve wracking. But most often it is just the right thing to do.

As your challenge for this month, I invite you to pick one area of your business that you’ve been wanting to see a significant improvement and initiate a change. Stop a process, shut it down, retool it, make it different. Change it. If you want it to be better, commit to no longer continuing to follow the process that is consistently not giving you the results you want.

Initiate the change. Declare it. Tell everyone. Make it public. We are no longer doing things like “this.” We are changing it!! Making it better.

You either do it now…or you run the risk of it changing without your direction. Lead the business, or be led by the business. Now is your opportunity to take the lead.

~Coach Troy

Want a few more tips?  Here's a quick read article you may find insightful...

Successful Entrepreneurs Challenge Themselves


Hi - It's Jill here!  

Have you been watching Troy's Facebook videos?  Don't miss out!

For this month's "Give Back Corner" I'd like to shine a light on something...Night to Shine! 

This is a part of Tim Tebow's foundation and every year they host a Night to Shine prom for those with special needs.  These occur all over the world and the experience is something these amazing individuals would not otherwise been able to have.  Consider donating:

Night to Shine  

Another organization is Best Buddies which is a global movement with the mission to end the isolation of those with special needs  through friendships, leadership development and finding employment.


Learn about them here:

Best Buddies

As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163

    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | | (602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC