MAY 2018 NEWSLETTER – Confidence


Hi Troy,

Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. 

We all want our clients to have confidence in us, and we want to have confidence in our employees.  But first we need to have confidence in ourselves.  You needed confidence to get where you are, to start your company or to take the leaps you’ve taken.  And often times, our confidence does take a hit.  Usually when we least expect it. 

As we enter May, it is likely that a few things have occurred in the last 4 months which have knocked you around and down a notch on the confidence scale.  Maybe you had to deal with a bad employee in whom you originally had so much hope.  Maybe you lost a client out of the blue and contemplated what you might have done wrong.  Even little things like a flat tire or malfunctioning computer can wear on us and make us feel less confident.  Or maybe you just don’t feel like you are where you ought to be at this point in the year.  It is common to measure against our ideal situation, and when we feel like that ideal isn’t being met (which you never can – it moves like the horizon), our confidence drops.

But never fear!  This happens to everyone.  And the good news is it can be reversed.  Confidence is really an outward showing of an inner faith in yourself.  And guess what?  You can even “fake it until you make it” - simply exuding a tenacity of spirit makes others believe it – which becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy because others are drawn to this.  They will approach YOU and want to work with YOU because they sense that feeling of strength and trust.  Then you actually DO feel confident again. 

The impact of increased confidence is that it gives us hope and increases our belief in ourselves – which gives us energy to drive forward powerfully.  This energy gives us the power base to take bold steps, make bold moves, and even make bold requests of others.  All of which are important in achieving greater levels of business success

You can even increase someone else’s confidence (people on your team).  It’s a muscle which can be developed in yourself, and in others.  Be a mentor to help someone through their struggles.  Use positive reinforcement.  The beauty is that helping someone else actually helps you too.

Read on for this month’s Coach’s Challenge for concrete steps you can take to build CONFIDENCE!  You can do it!

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit." ~e.e. cummings


Confidence comes from trust. Not so much in another, as in ourselves. When we trust in OUR OWN abilities to produce a desired result, confidence is formed. Therefore we build confidence by learning to trust ourselves and our own abilities.

In boiling down trust and confidence to its lowest common denominator, I remember the words of one of my former coaches - Tex,”Be your word.”

It’s simple and powerful. Your word…the promise you make to yourself or others. Tex’s coaching to me:  “Be your word…do what you say you’re going to do. If you cannot commit to doing it. Don’t say you will.”

There is a lot of work that goes into living this simple concept, but the result is powerful. Here are the lessons I learned:

First, I have to be very selective with the commitments I make. Just throwing out a “Sure” “No problem” “Yeah, I’ll do that” as a knee jerk response to a request doesn’t work. I need to stop and ask myself, “Can I actually commit to this?” 

Second, no matter how much I think it through, plan for it, and try to be strategic, sometimes I just can’t keep my original promise. In other words, sometimes I fail at being my word. (This has been a difficult one to swallow at times)

Third, no matter what the circumstance, communicating and even over communicating honestly and quickly has been waaaay better than trying to make up an excuse and recover after I’ve already failed.

Fourth, I have become very proficient with the phrase, “Let me get back to you on that.” I can now use my powerful skill of procrastination to my advantage.

Fifth, I don’t have to commit to stuff just to get approval from other people. In fact, the more faithful I am to my word, the more discerning I am with the stuff I commit to.  The more diligent I am about keeping my word to myself and to others…the more others appreciate and respect me. Which leads to their increased trust in me and above all, the more I appreciate, respect, and trust MYSELF. Which leads to a whole lot more confidence.

So, your challenge for this month to help build your confidence is to focus on being your word. Before you make a commitment, no matter how big or small (to yourself or someone else), take a pause. Stop and analyze the commitment. Then pick the ones you can really, truly, commit to with success. Work on building the muscle around being your word.

Improve the trust you have in yourself so that you know when you say you’ll do something, IT WILL BE DONE!!

~Coach Troy

Want a few more tips?  Here's a quick read article you may find insightful...


Hi - It's Jill here!  

Memorial Day is on Monday May 28th this year.  There may be no greater confidence than that which is shown by the men and women who fight for our country.  For this month's "Give Back Corner" I'd like to focus on our Veterans.  Hiring Our Heroes has a mission of helping Veterans and military spouses find meaningful employment.  Hire someone if you can, pass it on, or donate!

Click here:

Hiring Our Heroes   


As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163

    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | | (602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC