SEPTEMBER 2018 NEWSLETTER – Finding and Hiring Good People


Hi Troy,


Finding the right employees is an eternal struggle.  Just when you’ve gotten someone to the level you want them to be, they quit.  The person you had so much hope for just didn’t pan out.  Or you can’t even find a candidate that fits.


The employer usually ends up spending more of their time either on the merry-go-round of the hiring (and firing) process, or doing tasks themselves to fill the gaps which all equates to lost time and money and possibly lesser results.


Never fear though – there are ways to alleviate this problem and end the cycle.


  • One thing you may want to focus on is – your own company. What brand or image are you presenting?  Are your online presences up-to-date?  What kind of reviews are out there about you?  Are you quick to respond with questions fully answered?  Just as you are checking out a candidate, candidates are checking you out.


  • This may seem obvious, but make sure the job description is well done. For your industry this may include having certain certificates and specific technical skills.  Make clear what will be expected.  Or turn it on its head and tell prospective employees what you can offer them.  This is called the Needs-Supplies approach and is shown to work well.


  • Social media is a permanent part of our culture and should not be overlooked when seeking an employee. You surely have a Mission Statement and a culture of values at your business and you wouldn’t want to hire someone who portrays the opposite online (or in person).  That could be a potential minefield down the road.  Think about what your most important client would think if they saw candidate X’s Instagram.  Also, make use of sites like LinkedIn.


  • Sometimes the incredible people you already know, be it a colleague or an employee, know other incredible people. Birds of a feather flock together?  Don’t be afraid to ask those people you trust for recommendations.  See if a Strategic Partner would be willing to spread the word too.  Cast a wide net.


  • You may need some work in the interviewing department. How good are you (or your hiring manager) at interviewing…really?  Come up with 5-10 important categories you are seeking specific answers to and then ask the candidate.  Be clear on what the expectations will be – be open and honest – don’t hide the fact that they may need to work overtime/weekends or do other tasks, etc.  Look for more than their experience and related job skills.  Look for soft skills.  Will their temperament be a match?  Are they coachable?  And let them interview you.


  • Don’t make any knee-jerk decisions. Take your time to find the right person.  Dedicate the right amount of time for an interview  - uninterrupted.  Interview candidates 2 or 3 times – sometimes a person does not interview very well, but over time you will see more and realize what a great fit they will be.

Hopefully these thoughts have already helped, but read on for this month’s Coach’s Challenge to take some specific steps to improve your chances of finding the right employees for you! 

This is a process which should not be overlooked.



Finding Good People—Hiring Good People—Keeping Good People…Oh my.

This is a super major super huge topic that is getting more and more important right now. Business is booming…YAY. Unemployment rates are super low…YAY.

Wait…hold on a second.

This result of this formula is lots of opportunity but not enough people to get the job done. Are you on this train? Because just about everyone I know is going through this at some level.

So here are three challenges for you to work on to get an edge in this economy…

  • First off…find your sweet spot and find it fast! This is not the time to gobble up every opportunity that knocks on your door. I’m seeing too many people get themselves in trouble saying they’ll take on the job and using last year's strategy of “take the work, we’ll find the people.” It’s not happening that way right now. You need to find your sweet spot, know what you do best, and stick to it.


  • Second, turn on your recruiting engine and leave it on. Recruiting for your team needs to be a constant and continuous process. It’s harder to find good people, so we need to look harder and be more consistent with it. Also, every one of your competitors want your good people right now. They will lure some away. Count on it. Plan on it. Keep in mind, for everyone that gets lured away another will be available to lure in. You can upgrade your team during this low unemployment rate business cycle…especially if you stick to tip number 1 above. So post those jobs and start reviewing resumes daily.


  • And third, go to work on refining your company Vision, Mission, and Values. This is one of those areas that most business owners just don’t value enough. These three critical components to your business are what shape your company culture. They allow you to properly enroll good people into working on your team and working hard. I define enrollment by the degree to which someone is committed to a particular result. In this case, enrollment is the degree to which someone is committed to the vision and mission of the company. So, this begs the question…If you’re not crystal clear on the vision and mission of your company then what are the people on your team enrolled in?
As awesome as it is to have a plethora of opportunities knocking on your door it also poses some apparent challenges. Finding, hiring, and keeping good people has always been a challenge in business. It’s time to focus on building and refining the engine that drives your team. Start working on these three challenge areas I listed above and you’ll start to see improvements in the results you are able to produce.
~Coach Troy


Want a few more tips?  Here're 2 quick read articles you may find insightful...

Proven Ways to Find Better Employees

Hiring the Best People


Hi - It's Jill here!  

The kids are all back in school...

For this month's "Give Back Corner" I'd like to focus on what many of those kids are doing after school.  Boys & Girls Clubs of America have been providing safe places for kids and teens since 1860.  Read up on them and consider donating:

Boys and Girls Clubs

Their programs are proven to help children do better: in school, in society and as adults.


As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163

    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | | 

(602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC