Hi Troy,


I’ve been working on a couple of brand new coaching programs designed to help you reach the next level of your business. I’ll be introducing them and rolling them out over the next few weeks and months this year. Keep an eye out and please do let me know what is happening with you and your business success. I love to hear!!

Keep on being EXCELLENT!!!

Coach Troy


Do you want to improve performance?  Improve your accountability.  


I get asked frequently about “Accountability Coaching” and how to select an “Accountability Partner.” These are a couple of buzzwords around the discussion of productivity and I want to break down the whole “accountability partner myth” and save you some “valuable lesson” time. Then in the Coach Approach section I’ll share with you some coaching advice I’ve used with some of my clients to help them level up their accountability game to improve their productivity.

The truth about accountability partners:

First off, here’s the definition of accountability…

According to Merriam-Webster: Accountability -the quality or state of being accountable; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions.

Simply put, accountability is about taking responsibility, and being accountable is about reporting on that responsibility. The key point we must understand first is that accountability is a state of being.

Click here to read more.(or scroll down)


12 tips to improving your accountability

If you really want to improve your productivity and need to improve your accountability here are 12 important tips…

Click here to read more.(or scroll down)

Another Perspective:

No Excuses - Being Accountable


Hello and Happy Almost Fall!  

This Month's Give Back Corner is shining a light on Foster Children.  The sad truth is they rarely have many belongings as they're shuffled from house to house, and what they do have is generally carried in trash bags.

Check out this video to learn more.

The go to the website for Comfort Cases to see how you can help.  They supply lovingly chosen items for each child, as well as a large duffle bag for them to carry all their belongings.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or needs.
310 902 4163


    Troy Henson President of EVŌC  
has been helping small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals create game changing breakthroughs for over 17 years.  

 EVŌC | www.evocexcellence.com | (602) 300-9301

Scottsdale - Arizona

"Masters of Success Initiate Change" - Troy Henson


The truth about accountability partners

First off, here’s the definition of accountability…

According to Merriam-Webster: Accountability -the quality or state of being accountable; an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions.

Simply put, accountability is about taking responsibility, and being accountable is about reporting on that responsibility. The key point we must understand first is that accountability is a state of being. You have to be accountable. This means taking on a responsibility and then be accountable to that responsibility. In other words, make a promise and report on your progress.

Now let’s look at this in terms of having an accountability partner. If accountability is about “being accountable” and “reporting on your progress”, what then is your accountability partner supposed to do?

The common answer is, “Hold you accountable.” Or maybe, “Hold you responsible.” Soooo, how do they do that? How do you actually hold someone accountable? Accountability is a state of being. How do you hold someone to a state of being? Happy is a state of being. Can you hold someone happy?

What I’ve noticed that most of us want when we are seeking out an accountability partner to “hold us accountable” is someone to follow us around, check in on us, send inspiring words of encouragement, be there to hold our hand while we do the work, and when we don’t follow through, to enforce the consequences.

That my friends is NOT the role of an accountability partner…that is the role of a parent!


When it comes to having an accountability partner, unfortunately, unless you are in a contractual or legal obligation there really isn’t an effective way to hold someone accountable. Really, all an accountability partner can effectively do is be there to listen, receive, and participate in your reporting of your actions in relation to your promises. There’s not much else they can do…or frankly should do.

It is up to you to be the adult. Make a promise. Report on that promise. You do not need a parent to follow you around to make sure you are accountable. BE ACCOUNTABLE.



If you really want to improve your productivity and need to improve your accountability here are 12 important tips…

  1. No one can hold you accountable.
  2. Accountability is simply a reporting of your behavior or performance.
  3. An accountability partner is someone you agree to report your progress to. Their job is not to be your parent and chase you around…or enforce consequences.
  4. For an accountability partner to work effectively that person must be someone whose opinion matters. If you don’t care what they think of you then you won’t care to fail in front of them.
  5. Understand that accountability is a state of being and no one can actually “hold you accountable.” You need to BE ACCOUNTABLE.
  6. Being accountable requires making promises, reporting your progress on those promises, taking responsibility, and taking ownership for the success of those promises.
  7. Taking responsibility and ownership for the success of your promises means you must BE YOUR WORD. Honor your word. If you make a promise, follow through on that promise. That’s called integrity.
  8. There is no accountability if honoring your word is not a primary value in your life. Maintain integrity.
  9. You must choose your integrity over your feelings and over whatever mood you may be in at any given time.
  10. To successfully maintain your integrity you must make better choices. Be selective. Be concerning. Be protective. Be critical. Be analytical. Think it through.
  11. Say no more often.
  12. If you fail at being accountable, it’s because you failed at reporting. If you failed at reporting, you checked out of your responsibility. If you checked out of your responsibility you are out of integrity. If you are out of integrity…take responsibility and fix it.

 “I am accountable. I am responsible. I will fulfill on my promises. All of them!!!”

~Coach Troy




Troy Henson
EVOC Consulting, LLC